以猴子灵动的姿态,昂首抬头俯视群山的王者气概结合玉玺的创意点,搭配开放式的盒子,产品与包装和谐的展现了意境美。 如意猴——金猴居山,炯目昂首气似圣。自古以来,猴以灵敏却不刁之形象深入人心。正值申猴年,灵猴献瑞,承大吉羊之祥,续如意猴之灵,传递吉祥如意贺岁之意,彰显“圣者归来”之非凡气度。“如意猴”的美好寓意承载情怀,酒与情的融合,情与意的表达,皆有体现。 With the agile attitude of monkeys, the Royal spirit of looking up at the mountains combines the creative points of the jade seals and matches with open boxes. The products and packaging harmoniously show the beauty of artistic conception. The golden monkey, the golden monkey, lives in the mountains. Since ancient times, monkeys have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the year of Shen Monkey, the monkey offered Rui, inherited the good luck of the big lucky sheep, continued the good luck of the monkey, conveyed the good luck of the New Year, highlighted the extraordinary bearing of "the return of the sage". The beautiful implication of "Ruyi monkey" carries feelings, the integration of wine and emotion, and the expression of feelings and feelings are all embodied.